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Afbeeldingsresultaat voor ghost out of tv

July 1st, 2015

Years ago my grandparents bought me a TV to attach to my very first camera. I'm talking about a camera from the late '90: I was six when grandpa started to teach me how to film. To edit movies you needed your camera, some sort of editing machine and a screen to see what you were doing.

Years passed by and cameras evolved. Instead of editing movies via TV screens, you can now easily pair your camera with a computer and edit the whole thing with a single mouseclick. That's why I decided to use the TV no longer as "merely a screen". I connected it to the satellite and started to watch TV in bed.

The remote control and I have never been best budies, though. I've lost count of all the times the thing vanished into thin air and was only found because it fell on the ground.

A few months ago, during one of those falls, the remote control transmitter broke. I couldn't repair it: no transmitter I could get my hands on fitted the remote control. Replacing the whole thing wasn't an option either: the company that made the TV went bankrupt early '00.

I tried using a universal remote control instead, but the TV brand is so unknown, not a single universal remote control works...

All that rested me, was going back to basics. Since the transmitter broke, I always have to get up, walk to the TV and use one of the buttons on the side of the television.

Two weeks ago, those buttons started to mix up signals: I want to change channels, but the volume increases, I want to turn it off and the channel switches...

Yesterday it had become so annoying, I went to my parents bedroom to complain about it. When I returned to my room, I heard a faint whisper: "Try your remote control again."

Thinking the thing wouldn't work -the transmitter's busted and the batteries had probably run out by now- I did what the voice told me. It's not that I had anything to lose, right?

I picked up the remote control and pressed the on/off- button. The TV went on?! I pressed another button. It worked! The freaking remote control suddenly worked! How is that possible?!

Did dad fix it?

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Barking from the Other Side

June 20th, 2015

Every morning mom and grandma call each other on the phone to talk about the day that has passed and about the day yet to come. They basically gossip.

This morning the subject was yours truly and especially me wanting a dog and all the protest dad made using mom's portable. 

The moment the words "dog" and "getting" were used in the same sentence, a mechanic bark sounded across the room grandma was in. Grandma was home alone. 

The bark seemed to come from the middle of the room, from the exact same spot grandpa's bell is usually heard the loudest.

Is grandpa taking my side in the whole dog debate? Or does he want us to know he too heard the conversation yesterday? Does he want us to know he was there? 

(image found at:

Ghost Protest

June 19th, 2015

I've always wanted a dog. When I was a kid, my grandparents had a small black poodle. Snoopy was his name. I adored that sixteen year old dog. He was so sweet and patient with me. He was my best friend. He was my first friend.

Snoopy got old and blind. He barely couldn't walk anymore without getting hurt. At a certain moment he couldn't even pee. My grandparents decided it was time to put him asleep. The next day they told me Snoopy was dead. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't even allowed to help burry him! I may have been six back then, but I had already been on the funeral of my uncle. I knew the meaning of "dead".

After hearing the sad news, I struggled with separation anxiety. Every night, I dreamt I was a dog. And every night my owners tied my leash around a tree and left me behind. The moment I realised they weren't coming back, I started to scream "Don't go! Please, don't leave me!", waking up the whole neighbourhood.

Years passed by and I finally got rid of those terrible nightmares. I still shiver thinking about them. My parents never forgot it, though.

Whenever I talked about how great it would be to have a dog, they -and especially dad- remembered what happened the last time the dog I loved died. That's why I've never been allowed to have a dog.

Now dad died, I felt a dog could come in handy to protect my family when I'm not around. Knowing mom could be persuaded by that argument, I brought up the dog question once again.

The moment I pronounced the word "dog", mom's portable started to make weird noises. Looking at the screen, there wasn't a single thing that could explain those noises: no calls, messages, e-mails, upgrades, bluetooth requests...

I stopped saying "dog" and the noises stopped. My lips were about to form the word, the portable lost its mind. I'd never seen something like that... At least not with a portable.

This whole situation does ring a bell. Bad pun, I know, but it's true: the portable noises behave like grandpa's door bell.

Is this dad's version of grandpa's door bell? Is this the way dad tries to communicate with those who can't understand his whispering?

One thing is sure: the portable doesn't let me have a dog.  

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Ghost Talks

June 11th, 2015

Dad's ghost whispers, grandpa's ghost rings the bell. I wonder why there it a difference in the way they communicate with us.

Would your "body condition" at the moment of death have an influence on your afterlife?

When dad died, he could speak. Grandpa on the other hand, had lost his voice. The last days of his life, grandpa could only whisper.

If dad sounds like he's whispering when he's actually talking normal, then I would never be able to understand grandpa when he's whispering.

I think that's why grandpa rings the bell and dad whispers.

At least that's what I make of it. I don't know if I'm right, but that's the only explanation I can come up with...

June 30th, 2015

Holy macramonies! While uploading my notes, the computer screen suddenly freezed.

I restarted my computer and scrolled through my notes. Luckely, I hadn't lost any data. There was something odd, though.

In the middle of the document one sentence -only one- had been changed.

Instead of 

"At least that's what I make of it. I don't know if I'm right, but that's the only explanation I can come up with..."

it now said:

"At least that's what I make of it. I don't know if I'm right, but that's the only explanation."

Is someone telling me I'm on the right track?

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Ghostly Whispers

June 3rd, 2015

Since dad died, I hear whispering at night.

I could never really understand what is being said, so I decided to train myself. I started to focus every night a little longer on the whispers, trying to decipher the messages.

Last night the training finally paid off: I could hear a conversation between two people.
The "translation" of the whispers was always 3 words behind, but I could understand what they were saying.
The two ghosts were talking about renovating a shed, but one had to watch out for a red wooden log or something.

When I told mom about it, she was in shock: the day before he died, dad told her the roof of the shed needed to be redone. The roofers had to watch out because the red painted log isn't as strong as it used to be.

I wasn't home during my parents' conversation. And mom never talked about it before today...

We're making progress.

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Staircase Ghosts

May 28th, 2015

Home alone, I was running down the stairs.

Midway the staircase, the air suddenly got rather chilly. While I was wondering about this sudden temperature change, a hand pushed me.

I was about to fall, when someone else pushed me back. I regained balance and arrived downstairs unharmed.

Realising what had happened, I immediatly went upstairs, carefully examening every step. The colder area midway the staircase had disappeared...

Did I just walk through a ghost? Who pushed me down the stairs and why? Who pushed me back?

There are still a lot of unanswered questions.

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May 18th, 2015

Grandma made waffles. She invited the whole family to come over.

While we were sitting around the table, her friends popped in. As usual that one friend of hers started to complain.

All of a sudden, the bell rang. There was nobody at the door... The sound came from the middle of the room, next to the friend's chair.

The woman asked what that sound was. Grandma told her it's grandpa. "How?",  was the only thing the friend could stutter.

Shocked, the woman stayed quiet for a while. When she wanted to continue her complaining, the bell rang again. There was still nobody at the door. The sound came from next to the woman's chair.

My sister said something, the bell didn't ring. The friend felt like opening her mouth, the bell didn't stop ringing. Grandma said something, the bell immediatly stopped ringing. That friend wanted to complain, the bell rang....

It's weird, but intriguing at the same time. This proves we're not imagening things: other people hear that bell too. And nobody seems to be able to find what makes that noise.

Ghosts are real.

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